Pandemic – a time of uncertainty, a time of quarantine – has put a stop on almost all societal activities. BUT, has it really? In its truest form, i.e. a face to face interaction among people in a group, yes! However, technology finds its way into social interactions, gives way to social gathering while it observes physical social distancing and promotes learning (on-line classes) and other learner activities like seminars becoming webinars. Work has become work-from-home via computer. There are a lot of eccentricities that this pandemic has brought about yet they have become the realities of our time n. Actually, they all roll in to one thing – technology becoming its best. I believe that the saying go with the flow or if you can’t beat them, join them is the best stance that a septuagenarian should assume and learn to enjoy.
One of the many apps in the internet that I enjoy is the Messenger which features the Chat Room. Here I can connect to friends from all over the world, text message them and even have video calls and meeting with them. I have several Chat Rooms, but the one with former colleagues from Assumption College is my cup of tea. We’re all over the world. Many of us have retired and believe that retirement is the beginning of new adventures. With their permission, I am elated to share with you the new adventures that they have embarked on.
The following is the transcript of some of our messages in the Chat Room.
From Las Vegas, Nevada USA- Joseph
I had so much fun last night…but I missed to ask you all this question: What skills, hobbies, or business have you acquired, learned or started in this time of pandemic???or what skills or hobbies did you improve and develop? I know Ms. Oyie became a Plantita. I gained more experience on baking. I improved my sewing. New skills: shirt printing and embroidery which I registered as business under PRECIOUS PRINTS.
From Makati, Philippines – Mardet
I practice my being a clinical psychologist through online counselling and psychotherapy sessions as well as wellness webinars to different schools all over the country. I bake more often now… will go into more and better candle-making … learned and bought tools to change watch batteries. I love do-it-yourself projects. I bought tools to change watch batteries and I have my own tool box. I started watching Kdramas just this pandemic and got hooked because of its psychological themes.
From Bel Air, Maryland, USA- Marichu
I was able to work on my art, fabric collages which I have been selling and using the money I earn from it to help those affected by Covid (that’s why I call it my Covid Art) or my favorite charity DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS. I have promised to give the rest to Auxiliary Missionaries of Assumption fund. (I am a member of the AMA. I served in ‘94-’95) helping anyone there who needs it. My pockets are empty but my heart is full. It helps me not to be overwhelmed by this pandemic.
From the Philippines – Carmen
What keeps me busy during the pandemic? Zoom, You Tube and FB spiritual exercises like Masses, class rosary sessions. They are all nourishments for my soul. I am back painting on canvass, bags, glasses, plates, etc… so calming … so relaxing. I even joined an exhibit with my classmates. Hope my muse continue to inspire me. I am now preparing for my on-line AC BED modules for teachers. My Priority: Being a chocha Gwamma to my apostolate . =D .Take care, stay safe and healthy everyone. I include ACGS SLV in my Daily Mass and Rosary.
From Ardmore, Pennsylvania USA – Offie
This pandemic, I got so active in the Evangelization Program of Couples for Christ, USA as head of the Handmaids of the Lord ministry.
From the Philippines – Marissa
I am now doing intermediate yoga and been reading non-stop; both professional and for pleasure.
From North Shore, New Zealand – Raffy
Since Covid time we as a family let our “prayers flow into action”. We bake and cook once a week and send it to the place called Where Everybody Eats. During Level 1 we served as waiters on Wednesdays for a term to talk and listen to stories of people dropping by for a decent meal. From there we realized the reciprocity of being blessed.
From NZ we send monthly cash donations to the Philippines for the volunteers at Poor Clares where my hometown classmate has volunteered as a Pediatrician. She buys food and medicines (we sometimes send her some that we get from our local drugstore for free). We try to break the bread in our simple way. When needed, we also help the Filipino community here in NZ. As Marichu said we don’t have much but our hearts are full.
From Manila, Philippines – Cecille M.
A blessed Sunday to everyone! Well, I used to tutor after I retired until after the pandemic. I make small teddy bears which can be used as an ornament to bags or Christmas tree. It comes in different colors and some in AC uniform which I sell at AC bookstore. From Year 2009 to date I help Elsie Gaches Village and Research and Rehabilitation for Children. There was a time when I sent breakfast to a Center for Elderly. I start my day with prayers and Bible reading. I attend Masses, Novenas, Contemplative Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament with the sisters of Regina Rosary, Our Lady on Top of the Hill. I read books and watch K Drama and Netflix.
There are around 20 members in the Chat Room; the aforegoing are those who responded to Joseph’s query. The Chat Room gives me an affirmation on my own activities and leaves me in a joyful spirit. I am happy to be me and enjoying my retirement sync with the eccentricities and realities of the pandemic vis-a-vis with technology.
Join me as I explore other aspects of retirement. Be safe and be well. Till my next article here at Fil Am Megascene. God loves you, so do I.
You’re the BEST , Oyie ! I had great memories of you in AC and in Chicago IL. Miss you 😘
Great memories indeed Offie. Memories that I would recall with a smile. We had so much fun, didn’t we? Thanks for your kind comment and God bless!