“Major crises can awaken people towards the need for genuine change. It is the role of the middle class knowledge workers to spearhead the movement towards the attainment of development and industrialization. The middle class and the poor sector of society (almost 49%) must choose the right leaders who should be elected to govern and lead the nation for their empowerment.”
Post-WWII Rehabilitation

ZOOM LINK: https://bit.ly/tuesdayclub2021 | Meeting ID: 871 6053 6031 Passcode: vsBYsB6m
RESOURCE PERSON: Professor Jorge V. Sibal, University of the Philippines
FACILITATOR: Annabelle Jayco, regional project coordinator (Visayas), SPELL (Sustainability and Participation thru Education and Lifelong Learning)
DATE/TIME: 08/24/2021/TUE/7:00 PM CST/USA | 08/15/2021/WED/8:00 AM PHILIPPINES
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