Fil-Am Surgeons meet in Vegas

About the photo: SPSA Governing Board members, took time off after its meeting, and dined at the famous Lawry’s Prime Rib restaurant on Howard Hughes Parkway, Las Vegas, on Tuesday evening, October 5, 2022. Pictured above, with the “by-the-table” Master Chef at the background, are (clockwise from center) Philip and Farida Chua, Melinda and Danny Fabito, Tony and Marilyn Donato, Honorio and Elda Cruz, Ed Quiros, Rolly and Thelma Mendiola, and Alice and Ed Barcelona.
The Society of Philippine Surgeons in America, at its Governing Board meeting on Monday, October 4, 2021, at D’Pinoy Restaurant conference hall in Las Vegas, and its Membership Meeting on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, at Max Restaurant meeting room, both unanimously approved various matters, including the nine (9) amendments to the SPSA Constitution and By-Laws to pave the way for the establishment of the SPSA Council of Past Presidents, replacing the Board of Governors as the governing body of the Society in view of the natural attrition in membership.
SPSA President Honorio Cruz made the following appointments: Executive Director and Special Counsel to the Council Chairman, Daniel C. Fabito, MD, FACS, FPCS; Chairman of Surgical Mission and Treasurer, Ed Barcelona, MD, FACS; Chairman of Membership and Credentials, Ed Gamboa, MD, FACS; By-Laws Chairman, Bayani Ignacio, MD, FACS; Liaison to the Philippine College of Surgeons and the Department of Health, Juan M. Montero, MD, FACS; Editorial Board of the Golden Anniversary Yearbook: Hernan M. Reyes, MD, FACS, Chairman; Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, Honorio Cruz, MD, FACS, and Ed Quiros, MD, FACS, members.
Two new Fellows were accepted by the Board: Dr. Jay Seldera, president of the UE alumni organization, and Dr. Aimee June Mabini.
The proposal of Hernan M. Reyes, MD, FACS, to establish a “Surgical Volunteer Outreach Program to minister to the underserved Filipinos in the rural areas, as agreed upon by PCS SURE Commission represented by Doctors Vivencio Jose Villaflor, Ra,mon S. Inso, Lester Suntay, and Hernan Reyes in their recent Zoom meeting, was unanimously approved. The details of this joint humanitarian and surgical education projects will be a joint endeavor between the Society of Philippine Surgeons in America and the Philippine College of Surgeons in Manila.
The Board likewise approved Las Vegas as the venue for the SPSA Golden Anniversary Commemoration and Formal Dinner-Ball in October 20-23, 2022. The historical and nostalgic Golden Anniversary Yearbook, with history dating back to its founding in San Francisco in 1972, and featuring SPSA Fellows, will be distributed all SPSA members during the Dinner-Ball in Las Vegas.
Contact persons for more details: Honorio Cruz, MD, FACS, president, Email:; Daniel C. Fabito, MD, FACS, FPCS, Executive Director, Email:; and Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, Convention Chairman, Email:
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